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11 "Faux Pas" That Are Actually Okay To Make With Your Narro…

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작성자 Wilson 작성일24-03-07 01:12 조회2회 댓글0건


How to Choose the Best American Fridge Freezers

The capacity of these American fridge freezers is so huge that they eliminate the need for a large refrigerator and a crammed-up freezer. These fridge freezers typically have useful features, such as frost-free freezers and a fast-freeze feature that keeps food from sticking.

The majority of American models need to be plumbed in the wall, which can limit where you can place them. To reduce your energy bills, look for American-style fridge freezers models with high energy efficiency ratings.


Refrigerator freezers are big and offer a lot of space. They can be costly. Depending on what you need, you may want to choose a model with a bottom-freezer or French-door style that offers more freezer space. Consider the ratio of fridge and freezer space. Most American models have the doors to the refrigerator and freezer above each other, meaning the ratio is typically 70:30, however you can find ones that are 50/50 in the event that you don't buy a lot of frozen food.

This Hisense model is a great choice if you want a spacious and affordable fridge-freezer. Its reversible doors as well as its sleek minimal design will fit in every kitchen and offers plenty of storage space that can be used in both the fridge and freezer. There's even a wine cooler, which is always beneficial for those who love to entertain. It also has a no-frost freezer that avoids the yearly hassle of squeezing ice away, an integrated salad crisper that can keep your vegetables and fruits fresh, and LED lighting that lets you see what's inside.

This refrigerator can be adjusted to your home thanks to its programmable temperature zones. It also comes with an option for holidays that allows you to shut off the refrigerator while keeping the freezer operating. The frost-free refrigerator comes with an expansive layout with adjustable shelves and a generous salad crisper. It also has an energy efficiency class of A+.


American fridge freezers are a popular item on the Mumsnet forums, with enthusiastic suggestions for models with clever features and lots of space. They're a big investment though and consume a lot kitchen space, so ensure that you're willing to invest prior to purchasing.

American-style fridge freezers have two doors on top of each other, with the freezer section usually being larger than the fridge part. They are therefore able to have a significantly larger capacity than a normal fridge-freezer. They are typically equipped with a range of smart techniques, including air circulation, as well as fancy fruit and veg drawers that keep food fresh for longer.

Some have cameras that let you see inside the fridge without opening the door which is ideal for those moments when you're feeling a little demotivated and you'd like to know what's inside before you shopping trip or when you're trying not to create food waste. LG's RS67A8810B1 is a sleek fridge with a large glass door which allows you to see inside. This is great for those times when you're looking for inspiration and want to see what's in there before you shop or to prevent food waste.

This Hisense model is another sleek alternative with a stainless steel finish. It is easy to buy and comes with a no-frost system that keeps you from having to cut away the ice every year. It also has adjustable shelves and LED lights. It's a little more compact than some of the other choices in this list, but still has oodles of storage space.

hisense-431-litre-american-fridge-freezeEnergy efficiency

A fridge freezer is an enormous investment It's worth taking into consideration how much energy it consumes. You should look for models that have an energy efficiency rating of high which means you'll save money in the long run thanks to lower running costs.

Find fridges with sophisticated features, like built-in cameras, which enable you to look inside the fridge without opening it (particularly useful during the restrictions of Covid-19). These cameras come in different angles and resolutions so that you can check how fresh your food is or if you require milk to get home.

You can also purchase American fridge freezers that feature integrated wine coolers. These will store up 28 bottles of wine and ensure they are in perfect condition. They are ideal if enjoy wine or have a family member who is.

Refrigerators equipped with ice and water dispensers give you chilled, purified water on tap, and automatic ice makers eliminate defrosting the freezer for those cold drinks. Some models come with an ice tray manual, which you can fill with water and twist to release cubes.

Other handy storage features include chiller drawers for fish and meat, and flexible humidity levels to ensure salad veg and fruit remain in top condition. You can find fridges with a reversible door, so you can open it either on either the left or right side, depending on the layout of your kitchen.

Water dispenser

Fridge freezers with water dispensers are a great source of chilled, filtered or crushed ice. They usually require plumbing, which can impact the location you place the fridge and increase installation costs. You could avoid this by choosing a model without one or by opting for separate water filtering jugs instead.

In addition to additional storage, American fridge freezers often come with a number of smart features to help simplify your life. Some models have digital displays, so you can see the temperature at the touch of a finger, while others have built-in tablets that allow you to make shopping lists and watch cookery videos.

Total No Frost is another useful function that removes the ice from your freezer, so you'll spend less time mopping and scraping. Some models have a quick freeze setting that accelerates the process of freezing to make fish and American-style fridge freezers meat ready faster. However, this can increase the energy consumption.

If you want to keep food fresher for longer, choose a fridge freezer with an ice-cold crisper drawer that is moist and a fast freeze function. Many models also have adjustable zones that let you switch between a fridge and an freezer, allowing you to keep extra food items for special occasions. There are models with dual cooling systems that keep the freezer compartment separate from the fridge. This stops the food from becoming dehydrated by cool, dry air, and also helps keep it longer in the freezer.


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