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Who Is Responsible For A Livewell Mobility Budget? 12 Best Ways To Spe…

페이지 정보

작성자 Audra 작성일24-03-20 18:40 조회1회 댓글0건


Livewell Mobility Provides Mobility Solutions For Seniors and People With Disabilities

Livewell Mobility, a locally-owned company, offers mobility solutions and expert advice for those who want to age at home. They offer a range of products, including stairlifts and ramps for wheelchairs.

Amy Davis of KPRC 2 visited KPRC 2's Amy Davis visited a Katy family from Texas who was frustrated due to the fact that the new motor in their stairlift was not working.


Chair lifts are also referred to as stairlifts. They allow disabled and elderly people the chance to live in their split-level or two-story homes. They're a low-cost and secure alternative to home improvement projects like installing a household dumbwaiter. Stair lifts are available for homes with curvy or straight stairs. They have safety features to prevent injury.

Most stairlifts are equipped with tracks that are attached to the steps. The chair is linked to the track with the rail that runs across each step. When the user is ready to use the stairlift, they sit in the chair and secure their safety belt. Then they press the button on the remote control or the armrest to activate the motor. This turns a cog which then meshes with gears in the stairlift's geared track to move the chair.



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