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What Is The Heck What Exactly Is Veterans Disability Attorney?

페이지 정보

작성자 Delia 작성일24-04-04 07:59 조회24회 댓글0건


Veterans Disability Lawsuits - Why You Need a Lawyer Who is Accredited to Handle Veterans Disability Lawsuits

Attorneys who exploit veterans with disabilities to make profits often make use of their benefits. This is the reason you need an attorney that is certified to deal with VA claims.

A Connecticut veteran who suffered from schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other mental health disorders linked to a fatal air carrier collision has won a major victory. But it comes with a huge cost.

Class Action Settlement

According to a lawsuit filed Monday the Department of Veterans Affairs discriminates against Black veterans when it denies their disability claims in a manner that is much higher than white veterans. Conley Monk is 74 years old and a Marine Corps veteran who served in the Vietnam War, is the plaintiff in the lawsuit. He alleges that VA has denied his disability claims at a much greater rate than white veterans in the last three decades, according to agency records obtained by Monk and the Yale Law School Veterans Legal Services Clinic.

Monk, who is an ex-psychiatric nurse and retired, claims that the discrimination of the VA has caused him and other black veterans to be affected in ways that have affected their health, home or work and education. He demands that the agency reimburse him for benefits it has deprived him of, and to modify its policies on race discharge status, discharge status, and denial rates.

Monk and the Veterans Legal Services Clinic received 20 years of VA disability claim information last year via a Freedom of Information Act request which they filed on behalf of National Veterans Council for Legal Redress, and the Black Veterans Project. These data showed that Black Veterans were statistically less likely to be granted a claim for disability than white veterans from 2001 until 2020. Additionally, the average denial rate was 6.3 percent higher for Veterans Disability Lawsuits veterans of color than for white veterans.

Discrimination basing it on PTSD

According to a lawsuit filed Monday the Veterans Affairs Department denies disability benefits to Black Veterans. The suit was filed by a former Marine Corps veteran who was denied housing, education, and other benefits for a long time, even being diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The suit cites evidence to show that VA officials have historically denied claims submitted by Black veterans.

Conley Monk served in the Marines as an active volunteer during the Vietnam War. He drove a bullet-ridden transport vehicle, and helped move equipment and troops into combat zones. Monk was eventually involved in two fights with fellow Marines who he blamed for his PTSD and was given a less-than-honorable military discharge in 1971. That "bad paper" kept him from obtaining mortgages, tuition assistance and other benefits.

He filed a lawsuit against the military in order to revers the discharge and was awarded full benefits in 2015 and in 2020. However, he claims the VA still is owed money for his past denials of disability compensation. He also suffered a lot of emotional damage from having to relive the most traumatic memories with each application and re-application, the suit states.

The lawsuit seeks monetary damages and seeks to have the court require the VA to examine its systems-wide PTSD bias. The lawsuit is the latest effort by groups like the ACLU and Service Women's Action Network, to pressure the VA to address the long-standing discrimination against survivors of sexual assault.

Alimony Discrimination

Those who have served our country in uniform or those who are their companions deserve truthful information about veterans disability compensation and its influence on the financial aspects of divorce. One of the biggest misconceptions is that courts in the state can confiscate veterans' VA compensation to pay for alimony and child support. This is simply not true. Congress carefully designed Title 38 of the U.S. Code to shield veterans' payments from claims brought by family members and creditors, except for alimony and child support.

Conley Monk, a volunteer for his country, served two years in Vietnam driving bulletproof transport vehicles, as well as moving troops and equipment out of combat zones. He was awarded several medals for his work, but he was later issued a less-than-honorable discharge after he was involved in two fights triggered by undiagnosed PTSD. It was a long and lengthy process to convince the VA to accept disability compensation.

He was denied benefits at a rate significantly higher than his white peers. The discrimination was racial and widespread, as per the lawsuit filed on his behalf by the National veterans disability attorneys Council for Legal Redress and the Veterans Legal Services Clinic at Yale Law School. It claims that the VA was aware of but did not combat decades of discrimination against Black veterans. It seeks justice for Monk and similar veterans.


The VA Board of Veterans Appeals examines claims for benefits if a claimant disagrees a decision made by the agency. If you're considering appealing the decision, it is crucial to file an appeal in the earliest time possible. A veteran disability lawyer can help ensure that your appeal meets all requirements and receives a fair hearing.

A licensed lawyer can examine the evidence used to prove your claim and, if needed, provide additional and more convincing evidence. A lawyer who understands the VA's challenges can be more sympathetic to your situation. This could be a great advantage in your appeals.

One of the main reasons why a claim for disability benefits from a veteran can be denied is because the agency hasn't properly classified their condition. A lawyer with experience can ensure that your condition is properly classified and rated correctly, allowing you to receive the benefits you deserve. A qualified attorney will also be able to work with medical experts to provide additional evidence of your medical condition. For example an expert in medicine could be able to prove that the pain you are experiencing is related to your service-connected injury and that it is causing impairment. They may be able to assist you in obtaining the medical records needed to prove your claim.


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