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Warner Bros sells movie lot to make way for new studios

페이지 정보

작성자 Domingo 작성일23-11-05 13:47 조회3,942회 댓글0건


Warner Brothers is selling its ranch lot in Burbank featuring the iconic fountain from the Friends opening credits to make way for new nearby studios designed by acclaimed architect Frank Gehry. 
Ahead of its 100th anniversary, the studio is expanding its Burbank headquarters into two office buildings designed to look like icebergs floating by the 134 Freeway.   
The entertainment company has signed a deal to be the sole occupant of the new complex with 800,000 square feet of office space across one seven-story and one nine-story building.
As part of the deal, the company is selling several properties, including the Warner Bros Ranch that was home to countless classic movies and TV shows including the Batman and Смотреть мультики онлайн бесплатно в HD HDRezka - https://hdrezka.lu/33589-dobro-pozhalovat-k-rajli-2010.html Superman serials and the aforementioned opening of Friends. 
Warner Brothers is selling its ranch lot as the entertainment company prepares to move into a new headquarters in Burbank, California, designed by acclaimed architect Frank Gehry.

The Warner Bros Ranch features the iconic fountain where the intro to Friends was shot (above)
Warner Bros has signed a deal to be the sole occupant of two office buildings designed to look like icebergs floating by the 134 Freeway.

An artistic rendering of the complex is seen above
Along with the ranch, the companies developing the project will also purchase Warner's Triangle Building, Glass Building, and Wood Building. 

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Frank Gehry has designed a number of impressive buildings around the world
Warner Bros will continue leasing space in those buildings until their new headquarters is completed.  
The venture dubbed the Second Century Project is slated to break ground this fall.

Phase I will be completed by 2022 and Phase II in the following year. 
'Once upon a time, Hollywood Studios had an important architectural presence in the city,' Gehry said in a press release. 
'They were like monuments to the movie-making process.
With this project, I was trying to recapture that feeling of old Hollywood splendor.'  
The famed architect has designed a number of impressive buildings around the world, including the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, Spain, the Olympic Fish Pavilion in Barcelona, Spain, and the Dancing House in Prague, Czech Republic. 
The new complex features 800,000 square feet of office space across one seven-story and one nine-story building
The venture dubbed the Second Century Project is slated to break ground this fall
One of Gehry's most well-known buildings is the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, Spain
Gehry also designed the impressing Dancing House in Prague, Czech Republic


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