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12 Companies Leading The Way In Birth Defect Litigation

페이지 정보

작성자 Toni Houchins 작성일24-04-18 14:12 조회20회 댓글0건


Why You Should Hire a Birth Defect Lawyer

If your child was born with a birth defect, it can cause a huge impact on you and your family. The cost of therapy, medical bills and other expenses can quickly become a burden.

A Hyattsville lawyer who specializes in birth defects may be able to help you claim reimbursement for the expenses of taking care of your disabled children. Legal claims for birth defects are a bit nebulous and therefore it is vital to seek legal advice whenever you can.

Medical Malpractice

Medical professionals must follow a standard of care when treating pregnant women and their babies. When a doctor's actions are not in line with this standard and cause a birth defect or injury or injury, they could be held accountable for the damages sustained by their patient. A DC lawyer who has experience in lawsuits involving birth defects can help you determine if your child's condition may be the result of an error in medical care during pregnancy or during delivery.

A doctor may also be held liable for birth injuries if they fail recognize fetal distress and are unable to respond in a timely manner. This can cause a number of serious complications, including hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and brain injuries such as cerebral palsy.

Birth injuries differ from birth defects in that they are caused by circumstances during pregnancy, delivery, or labor. Injuries can be caused by Erb's palsy which occurs when the nerves that control the infant's limbs and arms are stretched or torn. Another injury is caput succedaneum - a swelling on the scalp. Both can result in a permanent disability, and continued treatment can cost a significant amount of money. A Washington, DC lawyer who is skilled in birth defects can offer a free consultation in order to examine your case and Vimeo.Com determine the most appropriate course for you and your baby.

Prescription Drugs

An attorney for birth defects may be able help parents determine the reason behind a child's birth injury. While many birth defects are due to genetics and factors during the mother's pregnancy but they can also happen because of medications. Many common medications have a profound effect on fetuses especially during the first trimester of a pregnancy. These include anti-nausea medications such as NSAIDs, chemotherapy medicines, certain antibiotics, and more. These drugs have been shown to increase the risk of developing limb and brain defects, heart defects, and craniosynostosis.

It is the professional responsibility of doctors to consider the risks when prescribing medication for women who are pregnant. When doctors fail to meet the standards of care required, they could be liable for medical malpractice. Pharmaceutical companies can be held accountable for not properly warning mothers of the dangers associated with their products. For example, Zofran, a medication used to treat nausea in cancer patients, has been found to significantly increase the risk of serious congenital defects during the first trimester of pregnancy.

An attorney for birth defects can help a family get compensation for medical expenses, loss of income and quality of life. This can include hospital, doctor's prescription, pharmaceutical, and other expenses, as well as assistive devices and treatments.

Chemical Exposure

A birth defect lawyer could bring a lawsuit for families of children who suffer from congenital disabilities as a result due to the negligence of corporations that expose pregnant women to chemicals and drugs that can cause birth deformities. They are trained to identify the root of the birth defect so that they can sue companies which expose mothers to teratogens when they are working or in their homes.

Some of the chemical exposures that contribute to birth defects are the use of fungicides and metals as well as herbicides and other pesticides. These chemicals are called Teratogens as they interfere with the development of the fetus through producing chemical changes that block normal cell function or cause malformed organs. These chemicals can be found in a variety of settings including manufacturing of semiconductors, metal cleaning and paint production.

Other chemicals that can cause birth defects are the aliphatic hydrocarbons like dichloroethane, trichloroethylene, or perchloroethylene. These chemicals have been shown to cause birth problems, including cardiac disorders, in babies born to mothers exposed to them during the womb.

Parents have filed lawsuits in order to make companies accountable for exposing families of soldiers at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina exposed to harmful chemicals. Some of the birth defect lawyers have obtained significant settlements on behalf of families who had their children born with serious defects as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals at the base.

Environmental Exposure

Some birth defects are caused by a combination between medical negligence and environmental factors. If a family is concerned that their child's birth defect may result from medical negligence, prescription drug overdose or exposure to harmful chemicals, they should talk to an DC birth injury lawyer to discuss the situation.

If pregnant women inhale or absorb contaminants from the environment they could develop serious birth defects. Teratogens is the name given to these substances. More than 4 million chemicals are found in our food, air and water. Some of these chemicals are harmful to pregnant women.

For example, arsenic in drinking water and cadmium from coal that is contaminated may cause a variety of birth defects and health problems. Industrial solvents like trichloroethylene, toluene, and benzene (a metal degreaser) are also linked with certain birth defects. Glycol-ethers can increase the risk of birth defects among women. These chemicals are used for the manufacture of semiconductors display devices, silicon chip displays and video displays.

LK's experienced attorneys for birth defects have filed numerous lawsuits on the name of children who suffered from a variety of birth defects as a result of wrongful toxic or chemical exposure at work or at home. These lawsuits often involve complex scientific analysis and expert witnesses, such as toxicologists and epidemiologists, geneticists, occupational medicine experts and embryologists.


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