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See What Nespresso Commercial Machine Tricks The Celebs Are Using

페이지 정보

작성자 Vicky Fryer 작성일24-04-26 16:07 조회12회 댓글0건


nespresso commercial machine (Highly recommended Online site) Review

nespresso-vertuo-next-11719-coffee-machiKrups Nespresso Citiz Pod Coffee Machine - Silver capsules are barcoded so they can be identified and matched with the correct capsule. This information is utilized by the machine to make the perfect drink.

nespresso-citiz-coffee-machine-by-magimiThis Vertuo line model is easy to use and has beautiful appearance. It's a versatile machine that makes ristrettos and espressos, as well as lungos, or milk-based drinks.

Easy to customize

The Vertuo line of machines can make more than espressos. They can also make 5-, 8- and 18-ounce coffees. They make use of capsules that are embossed with a barcode that tells the machine what to make and spins them at a high speed to extract the coffee quickly and easily. Its low profile makes it easy to store and the removable water tank helps reduce maintenance requirements. It can be brewed using whole, 2% or almond milk and also has energy-saving settings. It also has an adjustable brew temperature setting to ensure consistency and Nespresso Commercial Machine precision. The only drawback is its small reservoir. The tank's capacity is 11.5 ounces. This is less than other machines.


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