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Think You're The Perfect Candidate For Doing Fire Surrounds For Electr…

페이지 정보

작성자 Danuta Borrie 작성일24-05-25 08:54 조회37회 댓글0건


nj-camping-wood-burning-stove-hot-tent-h5 Types of Fire Surrounds For Electric Stoves

Electric fires create a warm ambience without the smoke and noise of wood burning. They are an excellent choice for renters who are concerned about the process of starting and maintaining an old-fashioned fire.

They are also easily moved, so should you decide to redecorate or move your house, you are able to take the fire surround with you. This will give you more design and material choices.


Wooden fireplace surrounds bring an element of tradition to any home. With many styles and colours that can be incorporated into your style These fireplace surrounds are highly customisable. The wood is also very lightweight, making it very easy to put in. A wooden fireplace surround can be installed the same day that your electric stove is fitted and requires minimal maintenance to keep looking great.

Wooden fire surrounds can be very affordable. While stone is a gorgeous and sturdy material however, it can be expensive to purchase and install, so wood fire surrounds are an excellent choice for those on a tight budget. Wood is a natural product that gives your space an inviting and warm atmosphere. The timeless material will last for a long time, meaning your fireplace will look great.

Metal fireplace surrounds have a sleek, modern look. They are available in a variety of finishes from polished to brushed. This makes them an ideal choice for any design. They are resistant to heat and Stay cozy with the black electric double door fireplace heater are highly customizable. You can match your surround to the rest of your interiors.

Brick fireplace surrounds are another classic style that is timeless and cost efficient. They are easy to clean and can be painted to match any interior design. However, it is important to note that brick can be porous, and you should protect your brick fireplace frequently to avoid tsoot and dirt build-up.


As a beautiful and durable material, stone has been used in building for many centuries, so it's no wonder that it is one of the most popular materials for fireplace surrounds. It is not only an old-fashioned material, but also a durable one with a high tolerance to heat. This means it will be able to withstand the demands of daily usage, making it suitable for all types of homes.

A natural stone fireplace will be a stunning and captivating feature for your home. You can choose from a wide range of stones, including granite, limestone and the travertine. Each one has a unique look and colour, but all of them are highly versatile. Stone is a great choice for traditional, period, or contemporary designs. Stone complements cool and warm colors.

Natural stone is an expensive material. It will cost more than other materials such as brick or wood. However it's a long-term investment and will add value to your property, as it lasts far longer than less expensive alternatives.

Another popular choice is concrete, which has been increasing in popularity due to its minimalist aesthetic and programmable nature. Concrete can be tinted in a variety of colours and textures that complement any design. Concrete is durable and hard, so it can withstand many years of wear and tear and is even fireproof.

If you're looking for a modern alternative to the traditional stone fire place, try our Jura stone fireplace for a style that can be paired with any style of decor. Or the Tasmin Micro Marble fireplace for timeless elegance. If you're looking for a way to add sophistication to your home The Rydal Black Granite Fireplace is sure to stand out.


Alongside providing an elegant finish fireplace surrounds shield the firebox from weather and provide better heating efficiency. They also allow homeowners to switch off the flames, and preserve the ambience with a flick of a switch to enjoy the entire year.

Brick fireplace surrounds come in a wide range of sizes and colors, from skinny red bricks inspired by the mid-century to oversized rustic-look bricks. Both traditional and craftsman style homes are able to benefit from these. Consider the possibility of a brick fireplace surround painted in the event that you do not have the time to maintain your fireplace. It's simpler to clean.

Many people prefer wood to surround their fireplace It is crucial to remember that any combustible material used in the fireplace surround must be between 16 and 18 inches away from the opening of the firebox. This will stop Shop the Best Electric Stove Heaters Online spreading of fire and embers that could damage your home. Brick is, however, is a non-combustible material that is compliant Stay Cozy with the Black Electric Double Door Fireplace Heater National Fire Code standards and will not ignite when the flames are switched off.

It's not a surprise that many homeowners prefer the dark shade of brick to create a warm and intimate atmosphere. If you prefer a light and airy style however you can create a bright and spacious living space with a white brick fireplace surround such as this one from Flipping Nuts.

A brick fireplace surround can be made even more attractive by the addition of a mantel and a decorative decor. The white mantel in this design accentuates the natural beauty of brick and ties the whole design together. Metal fireplace surrounds are a great option that could be used to complement a modern or contemporary design. They are also durable and heat resistant, and they can be decorated with a variety coatings to match your style preferences.


A metal surround for a fireplace adds a touch of modernity to any room. They come in a variety of finishes to complement any style. They are also heat-resistant and conduct heat efficiently, making them an excellent option for homes with electric stoves.

Stone fireplace surrounds are an elegant choice that can make any house feel more luxurious. Granite slate, marble, and all have a variety of textures and colors that can add a touch of elegance to any aesthetic. Marble is a gorgeous stone with elegant veining that can be used to create a traditional or contemporary style. Limestone and slate are less striking options that work well in traditional or cottage styles. Stone is a popular choice for homeowners because it looks stunning, is resistant to high temperatures, and offers outstanding water resistance.

Concrete is another popular option for the fireplace surround. It is becoming more popular because it gives homeowners a modern, clean appearance. Concrete can be tinted in any color or texture. It's extremely durable, but can be heavy and require professional installation.

A freestanding electric stove is an excellent way to add heat without adding the visual clutter of a fireplace or wood burner. These stoves are easy to install and can be moved around to meet different heating needs. Some models come with fireplaces included in the price while others require installation separately.

If you're seeking a different option to burning logs look into gas stoves that have ceramic logs. They can be added to your existing fireplace to give it a more natural wood-burning look, or can be purchased as a separate unit.


Whether you're looking for an electric stove fireplaces fireplace that matches your modern style or prefer traditional style, a concrete surround can offer the perfect accent. Concrete is a popular choice for its minimalist aesthetic and versatility. It can be tinted in various shades to resemble the appearance of stone or other materials. It is durable and ideal for modern homes. However it is heavy to install so employ an expert.

Concrete can be poured on the wall as a coating or molded in intricate molds to create mantel and hearth. It can be covered with other materials like wood to add texture and visual warmth. Some manufacturers sell complete mantel and surround packages so you can get a customized appearance with less effort.

To create a seamless appearance non-combustible materials like brick, concrete or tile can be employed. These tiles are available in a variety of colors and patterns. They can be used as flooring for the entire space if desired. If you are using an exterior stone or brick surround, make sure it is fire-rated to meet local building codes.

Electric stoves do not require a hearth. However, a surround will make the fireplace look more attractive and protect it from heat damage. It also helps retain heat longer, which saves on energy costs and can extend the life of the appliance. Peak Fireplace offers a wide selection of fireplace surrounds to fit your home's design and decor. Contact us today to discuss your options!


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