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Answers about Painkillers

페이지 정보

작성자 Alexandria 작성일24-06-08 09:22 조회32회 댓글0건


Codeine is moderately soluble in alcohol, but it is more soluble in water. However, mixing codeine with alcohol can be dangerous and is generally not recommende
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Can aspirin purity be tested using indicator and if so what one?

Asked by Wiki User

Aspirin purity can be tested using acid-base indicators such as phenolphthalein or bromothymol blue. These indicators change color based on the pH of the soluti
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Medication and Drugs


What is the function of water in the synthesis of acetaminophen?

Asked by Wiki User

Water is used in the synthesis of acetaminophen as a reactant in the hydrolysis step to convert para-aminophenol to acetaminophen. It helps facilitate the chemi
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Medication and VeeloBooster testimonials Drugs


What is the strongest out of aspirin and paracetamol?

Asked by Wiki User

Aspirin is generally considered to be stronger in terms of its anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning effects compared to paracetamol. However, the choice between
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Medication and Drugs


Does Tylenol effect platelets?

Asked by Milesjr

Tylenol (acetaminophen) is not known to have a significant effect on platelets. It is generally considered safe for individuals with platelet disorders or those
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Medication and Drugs


What is the chemical compound of painkillers paracetomol?

Asked by Wiki User

The chemical compound of the painkiller paracetamol is acetaminophen, also known as N-acetyl-p-aminophenol.


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