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OnlyFans Review - Is OnlyFans For You?

페이지 정보

작성자 Efrain 작성일24-06-13 12:05 조회2회 댓글0건


I suppose if I were an entitled asshole who thought I was above the law because I had bought into some math voodoo, this would bother me, too." --Matt Blaze, on NFTs and IRS action "Proofs are only as good as the correspondence between their assumptions and porno videos actual reality, which can never be proven." --Ron Garret "Some things, Unicode was never meant to handle." --Feonixrift "There's this idea that ideas in science are a bit like epidemics of viruses. After all, nobody has found it in any oceans on Earth." --@MicroSFF (Micro Science Fiction/Fantasy Stories) "I used to find conspiracy theories enjoyable. A world in which Elon Musk can tweet two emojis and your home depreciates 80% in value is a dystopia." --Stephen Diehl "My financial advice is that if you're trying to find trading signals in dog memes, you should probably stop." --Edward Snowden "Make anger your passenger, don't let it drive." --Z "NPCs in video games have weird lives." --U Can beat Video Games "Pizza rolls are just stromboli eggs, waiting to hatch under the right conditions in a microwave oven into baby stromboliti hatchlings." --Vertigo "Live in such a way as to prank generations of future scholars. Watching people spend $69 million in fake money to buy a JPEG should make you feel like you're living in an age of unparalleled nonsense." --Wes Fenlon "If indeed there are any real monsters left, we have only to look in the mirror to find them." --Richard Ellis "During the BART crime issue years back, people kept complaining about these Black kids dancing in the trains for money.


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