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Jimmie Allen accused of rape by former management team member

페이지 정보

작성자 Teri 작성일24-07-01 10:16 조회2회 댓글0건


has been accused of raping a former member of his management team and subjecting her to sexual abuse and harassment over a more than 18 month period in a new lawsuit filed on Thursday.

The woman in her early 20s, who was formerly employed by Allen's management company, alleges the country singer, 37, who  last month - first raped her in March 2021, taking her virginity.

The unnamed woman - named in the lawsuit as Jane Doe and who worked as Allen's are expecting their third child and separating.

In a solemn note written in white font against a black background he said, 'After much thought and reflection in recent months, Lex & I have made the decision to separate.'

The crooner added, penipu 'As we navigate this life change, we can also share that we will be welcoming another child together later this year.'

The twosome, who wed in May 2021, already share daughters Naomi Bettie, 3, and Zara James, 18 months.

Allen already has an eight-year-old son named Aadyn from a previous relationship.

The hitmaker added, 'Our number one priority is and always will be ensuring that our children are healthy, happy and loved.'

He additionally noted, 'We remain committed to co-parenting with love and respect for one another.

'In light of our growing family, we respectfully request privacy during this time.'

The comments on his post were disabled and Alexis shared the same note on her personal Instagram account.

Pensive: Alexis shared a quote in her Stories that read, 'We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us'

She also reposted a quote in her Stories that read, 'We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.'

The duo had been together for only a few months when he proposed to her during a trip to Disney World in Florida.

Although they had been hoping for a 2020 wedding, Jimmie revealed that July that they had to delay the event.

Alexis and Jimmie grew up in the same town of Milton, Delaware but only met when his cousin-in-law introduced them.

Jimmie told People early in the relationship: 'With Alexis being from my hometown, it is like always having a piece of home with me.

We had an immediate connection. It was like we'd always known each other.'


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