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Mila Kunis reflects on making Time's 100 Most Influential 20…

페이지 정보

작성자 Sheila 작성일23-10-14 09:47 조회9회 댓글0건


provided some insight on her marriage dynamic with on Tuesday while discussing being named on Time's 2022 list of 100 influential people.
The 39-year-old actress during an appearance on The Late Late Show with revealed that she asked Ashton, 44, to go on to figure out why people were talking about her only to learn that she had made the prestigious list. 
'It was weird because I didn't know it was happening,' Mila said of being named on the list in May.

'...I had no clue because I don't have social media. ...I was like babe can you go look on the Twitter and see what people are talking about. He went and looked and I was like ''I did it.'' I was like ''Look at me, I'm awesome.''
Influential person: Mila Kunis provided some insight on her marriage dynamic with Ashton Kutcher on Tuesday while discussing being named on Time's 2022 list of 100 influential people
Mila, who was born in Ukraine and left the country when she was seven, made the list for Серіали з українською озвучкою - kinogo-ua.com - kinogo-ua.com, being instrumental in raising more than $34 million for humanitarian aid for Ukraine along with Ashton.
James then showed a tweet from Ashton in which he wrote: 'Dear Time magazine, I already lose every argument I have with my wife.

You just had to do this didn't you?'

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'It's true he does lose every argument,' confirmed Mila, wearing a black pinstripe suit. 'He goes, ''I'd rather be happy than right''.'
James also asked Mila about how she recently took up tennis and the host said he imagined she was pretty good.
Hollywood stars: The 39-year-old actress during an appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden revealed that she asked Ashton, shown together in September 2021 in Los Angeles, to go on Twitter to figure out why people were talking about her only to learn that she made the prestigious list
Time tweet: James then showed a tweet from Ashton in which he wrote: 'Dear Time magazine, I already lose every argument I have with my wife.

You just had to do this didn't you?'
Argument record: 'It's true he does lose every argument,' confirmed Mila, wearing a black pinstripe suit.

'He goes, ''I'd rather be happy than right'''
'I'm not because I shouldn't play any sports,' Mila said.

'I'm old.'
Mila said her doctor told her that tennis was good for her mind and body and suggested she take it up.
'I started taking tennis lessons for funsies in December and in January I did something to this knee,' Mila said.
'When one knee hurts, the other one compensates. So now I have two bad knees.'
Tennis player: James also asked Mila about how she recently took up tennis and the host said he imagined she was pretty good
James asked Mila about celebrating her daughter Wyatt's eighth birthday over the weekend.
'She wanted a luau birthday themed pool party,' Mila said.
Mila said her girlfriend recently threw her daughter an escape room themed birthday party, but she put all the kids in the escape room.
Pool party: 'She wanted a luau birthday themed pool party,' Mila said of her daughter Wyatt's recent eighth birthday over the weekend
'The parents got to watch them try to escape,' Mila said.

'I highly recommend it.'
'Throw your kids into an escape room and you'll realize if an apocalypse happened they're the first to go,' Mila quipped.
Mila remembered that she and James once did an escape room together and that they were awful at it.
Fond memory: Mila remembered that she and James once did an escape room together and that they were awful at it
James congratulated Mila on her new movie Luckiest Woman Alive.
'It's a little bit about perception versus reality,' Mila said.

'Aspects of the story are based on the writer's life. It's about somebody who puts forward a version of herself.'
James also asked her about also being a producer on the film and what that entailed.
'I love producing because I get to be home and I get to be with my kids but I will say being an actor for 30 years you kind of think that things just magically happen,' Mila said.

'I want a Twinkie and it just magically appears. And then when you are a producer, you are like that Twinkie costs a lot more money than I would have thought it did. And so I think it puts a lot of things in perspective when it comes to the production side.
I've learned a lot about that.'
Film producer: 'I love producing because I get to be home and I get to be with my kids but I will say being an actor for 30 years you kind of think that things just magically happen,' Mila said.

'I want a Twinkie and it just magically appears. And then when you are a producer, you are like that Twinkie costs a lot more money than I would have thought it did. And so I think it puts a lot of things in perspective when it comes to the production side. I've learned a lot about that'
James then played a clip from the film.
The cast of Oklahoma also opened the show by doing a skit saying their musical show was actually called Mila Kunis.

They then sang about Mila Kunis to the tune of Oklahoma. 
At the end, Mita appeared on stage dressed in a cowboy outfit on top of a fake horse.
'Yeehaw!' Mila said.
Luckiest Girl Alive was released in selected theatres on September 30 and will be available for streaming on Friday on Netflix. 
Streaming soon: Mila is shown in a still as Ani in Luckiest Girl Alive that was released in selected theatres on September 30 and will be available for streaming on Friday on Netflix


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