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The Secret Life Of Built In Fridge Freezer

페이지 정보

작성자 Josephine 작성일24-01-14 16:16 조회21회 댓글0건


Indesit built in fridge freezer 60 40 In Fridge Freezer

russell-hobbs-70-30-built-in-integrated-The Indesit built-in fridge freezer is a space saving solution that will meet all your freezing and refrigeration needs in one go. Enjoy 154L of cooling space distributed over three glass shelves, making the task of storing and organizing a breeze, alongside a dedicated Crisper drawer for delicate salads and fruit.

The Ideal Humidity

This Indesit built in american fridge freezer-in fridge freezer has the capacity of 154L in refrigerator space and 110L of freezer space so you can store your entire grocery list and more. Salad Crisper is made for delicate vegetables, and there's plenty of storage space for your family's favourite frozen desserts. Hygiene Protection minimizes bacteria and odours to ensure your food remains fresher for longer. Achieving the best Humidity constantly monitors and adjusts humidity levels to create a comfortable environment and protect produce.

Low Frost technology reduces the amount of ice that accumulates on the walls of your freezer or fridge, making defrosting much easier. This helps keep the efficiency of your appliances high and you'll have to defrost your fridge and freezer less often.

This Indesit fridge freezer is simple to clean. It has an antibacterial lining that keeps food fresh and free from bacteria. The door seals, as well, are antibacterial to ensure a clean, fresh finish. A white color scheme adds an elegant look to your kitchen. a convenient bottle balcony lets you store drinks conveniently. The door that can be reversible can be fitted to open from the right or left side, making this Indesit fridge freezer that is integrated into the fridge an ideal addition to your home. This Indesit fridge freezer comes with a 10 year parts and labour guarantee which gives you peace of mind knowing that this appliance will last for many years to be.

Absolutely No Frost

With an Indesit integrated fridge freezer you'll have the latest advanced features that help keep your food fresher longer. Total No Frost is a important feature that circulates cold, dry air in the freezer compartment. This prevents ice from forming and reduces the frequency of defrosting.

For extra convenience This model also comes with an extra Crisper drawer that can be used for delicate salads and fruit to keep them as fresh as possible, along with an ideal bottle balcony so you can easily store your favorite drinks. With 154L of room in the refrigerator and 110L of room In My Area the freezer There's plenty of space to store your daily purchases.

The model also features Pure Wind technology that uses an electric fan to constantly blow cool air around your appliance to provide better ventilation. This keeps your food fresher longer and In My Area saves you money by decreasing food waste.

Its sleek, elegant design is perfect for any kitchen. It also comes with an energy rating of A+ so you can be sure that you're making a smart purchase for your family. You can even rest easy knowing that the built in frost free fridge freezer-in fridge freezer comes with a one-year warranty. This is the perfect addition to any modern kitchen.


We understand how hectic life can be, that's why we offer appliances with features that can make your life easier and less time-consuming. Push&Go is one of the features that is standard on our fridge freezers. It helps cool down your food items faster. This feature triggers an extra cold that lowers temperatures in the appliance's cavity which can be restored up to 40% faster.

The INC18 T311 UK built-in fridge freezer features Total No Frost and in my Area Push&Go technology from the brand to help you cut down the amount of weekly shopping. This split refrigerator freezer comes with 250 litres of storage space and glass shelves. It is large enough to accommodate your weekly shop. With 154 litres of fridge space and an incorporated Crisper drawer to store delicate salads and fresh fruits you're sure to find the perfect place for your grocery items.

Pure Wind and Low Frost technology are also employed to help keep your food fresher longer. Pure Wind protects your food by reducing the humidity level. Low Frost minimizes the accumulation of ice, which means you have to defrost it less often. Foods will be enjoyed more.

Reversible Door

It is designed to ease the burden of busy families, this Indesit fridge freezer offers an efficient solution for space-saving to take care of all your frozen and fresh food needs in one. The Optimal Humidity Technology constantly monitors and adjusts humidity levels of the fridge to protect your food from drying. This model also has Push&Go and Total No Frost to reduce the defrosting process.

This freestanding Indesit Fridge Freezer comes in fresh white and features a sleek tall design that will fit into smaller kitchens. The net capacity is 154L, and there are numerous storage options available, including three fridge shelves made of safety glass, as well as a handy full-width bottle shelf within the door. There's even a designated Crisper drawer that protects delicate salad leaves and fruit. The freezer cabinet has an overall volume of 110L due to the large combination of three drawers that have clear fronts.

The shelves and drawers are easy to clean, making it simple to keep this Indesit Integrated Fridge Freezer in great condition. It is energy-efficient with an A+ rating, and also very quiet at only 38dB. This refrigerator freezer is perfect for small homes or flats. It comes with an adjustable thermostat as well as a reversible front door and a thermostat that is reversible.


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